Citations & Plagiarism Website

One of my least favorite tasks when it comes to writing papers is having to cite all the resources I’ve used CORRECTLY. I honestly wish websites like Citation Machine existed when I was at uni. This site creates citations for you an can even check your assignments/papers for plagiarism & grammar errors.

The Psychologist’s Bookshelf

Curious about psychology, but don’t know where to start? I’ve compiled some of the very best psychology books out there in one place to make your life a whole lot easier! Whether you are a beginner, a psych student, or a seasoned practitioner; there’s something in the psychologist’s bookshelf for everyone!

Practice Tests & Flashcards

If you are an OG YouTube follower of mine, you know that practice tests hit me right in the feels. Quizzing yourself throughout your studying journey is key to acing any exam. If you don’t feel like making your own – you need to check out Chegg. It has everything you need to test your knowledge on any subject!

Stress Management Programs & Resources

I’ve struggled a lot with anxiety in my 20s and I can safely say that I’ve tried pretty much everything out there to better manage my stress. The Panic Away Treatment Program and the Shyness & Social Anxiety System are by far my favorite go-to resources I would encourage everyone to look into.

Practical Psychology for Students

Mental Health Videos

Goal Setting Software for High Achievers

Mastering the art of goal setting should be a top priority for anyone, not just students. If you know how to set SMART goals and have powerful tracking tools like GoalsOnTrack you can literally create your dream life with confidence. With the help of this software, you can better manage your habits and stay on top of your schedule with ease (they even have plenty of templates to pick from).

Law of Attraction Visualization Videos

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people can’t properly visualize? If you’ve always been curious about the law of attraction and the power of visualization, AbundantMind has some of the best visualization videos out there that you can use as guides or inspiration to use manifestation and positive affirmations the right way. Remember that “the mind is everything, what we think – we become

Psychological Articles

Founded by Dr. Hugo Alberts (psychologist & reasearcher) & Seph Fontane Pennock, is my go-to place for psychology articles based on facts, not clickbait. I highly encourage you to visit their blog for insightful articles on various subjects: resilience & coping, optimism & mindset, and positive CBT just to name a few.

Global Suicide Hotline Resources

Having volunteered for a suicide hotline myself, I know first-hand the power of listening. If you, or someone you know is in need of support, please contact one of many suicide hotlines around the world – please let them listen. “Sometimes the only answer people are looking for when they ask for help is that they won’t have to face the problem alone.” – Mark Amend

Self-Screening Tests & Assessments

Yes, an accurate diagnosis for any psychiatric disorders can only be made by a qualified mental health professional. However, I believe self-tests can sometimes be the proof or the push we need to take action, and seek help. In my opinion, these 4 screening tests by HeretoHelp are some of the most accurate and helpful ones I’ve found online.

Tips on How to Choose a Psychologist

Finding the right psychologist for you can sometimes be a frustrating journey. Often times, people that really need help end up giving up after ping-ponging between therapists for months. I’m here to encourage you to keep trying because you are worth it! The American Psychological Association can help you ask the right questions & find the best match for you!